Who Loves Ginger Ale?

Isn’t Ginger Ale everyone’s favorite? Not only does it taste good, but is the go to drink for an upset stomach or even when you need to clear your sinuses. Well one small manufacturer of the “healing” drink makes its way to Williamsburg. Bruce Cost, owner of Bruce Cost Ginger Ale, began making ginger ale in the 1980s. At the time he was an exiled New Yorker running a Chinese and Southeast Asian restaurant in San Francisco called Monsoon. He came up with his version of the drink during a dinner featuring traditional Chinese medicinal dishes. His recipe is vastly different from other sugary brands like Canada Dry and Schweppes. He manages to incorporate chunks of fresh ginger, ginseng, and astragalus (an herb in the pea family).
Cost’s company now makes an array of flavors including the most famous original, passion fruit, and pomegranate, jasmine and 66. The bottles are unique and are usually sold in fancier New York food stores. Currently, Cost distributes to Wold Foods Market, Fairway Market, and shops in Williamsburg and Downtown Brooklyn. The drink happens to be a favorite in the Google offices in both Manhattan and Silicon Valley.
This new facility has space to turn out more than 10 times the amount, Cost produced before which was about 15,00-25,000 cases per month. Cost said has expressed his excitement to open the new factory in Brooklyn. An area of the borough where so many warehouses have been turned into condos and galleries.
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To find out more on this amazing ginger ale and where around you has it for sale, visit freshgingerale.com.
Brooklyn just keeps growing!
Photo Credit – freshgingerale.com
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