NY Man With Ebola Scare – He’s A Brooklynite!

Remember that gentleman plastered all over the news that gave New York its first Ebola virus scare? Well he is a 27-year-old Brooklyn grad student.
Eric Silverman was admitted to Mount Sinai after coming in with a high fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. From there on he watched himself on CNN being talked about to the world as a possible case of Ebola in New York.
How did the doctors jump to that conclusion? He told them he had a recent trip to Sierra Leone. In some parts of Africa the Ebola virus, recently, has been a major problem. The symptoms of Silverman were the same symptoms of many of the new patients of the Ebola virus outbreak in the country. According to Wikipedia, symptoms typically start two days to three weeks after contracting the virus, with a fever, sore throat, muscle pains, and headaches. Typically nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea follow, along with decreased functioning of the liver and kidneys.
While doctors were monitoring Silverman’s case, he was watching himself on TV and texting his friends.
Here are one of his text conversations:
Eric: I have something crazy to tell you.
Zak: Hahaha something so crazy that you couldn’t wait until noon to share? Are you patient zero at Mount Sinai? I know you were the one to have contracted Ebola…
Eric: Yeah that’s me.
Zak: Haha, tough break, my man. Well you had a pretty good run. Not great, but pretty good.
Eric: Thanks, buddy.
Zak: Haha. What do you have to tell me, though? I mean, it couldn’t wait till after 8:30 so it has to be amazing.
Eric: I just told you. It’s not that amazing, kinda annoying.
Zak: Wait, what? Holy sh—. Are you ok? What’s going on? What are they saying? O jeez, Eric- I’m so sorry. Are they saying that your ok?
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Eric: Yeah I’ll be okay. Just a precaution. I had a bad fever and diarrhea and so they freaked out when I said I was just in SL (Sierra Leone)
Zak: How are you feeling now?
Eric: Better, just the same symptoms tho. Obv keep this on the dl don’t want my name getting out.
Obv keep this on the dl don’t want my name getting out.
Zak: Are you in the hospital?
Eric: I’m in a glass box.
Zak: You’re quarantined? How much longer do they need you for observation? I’m going to assume I can’t visit, huh? Haha
Eric: Yes only spacesuits are allowed inside They should know today My blood work is now in Atlanta.
Zak: That’s totally surreal. What a bizarre experience that must be. How are you holding up? How many days have you been there?
Eric: Since Sunday night. That’s pretty funny that you guessed it right off the bat.
Zak: Haha…for the past couple of days The Guardian has been running stories on your case. I would read them and joke with K that it must be you. Of course, I would have never in a million years thought that you were the mystery patient. Besides having no human contact outside of men in spacesuits, are you feeling ok?
Eric: Yeah, just sleeping a lot and watching boring TV, not much else to do…
Zak: Well when you get out we’ll go out to a big dinner. Or, at the very least, an evening of NBA JAM.
Eric: Haha ok thanks, You might know before me if you’re watching CNN.
Makes you think twice about going to the hospital for diarrhea, doesn’t it?
Photo Credit – NYDailyNews
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