Here’s How Brooklyn Can Directly Help Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts
Brooklyn, Texas needs your help!

Brooklyn, Texas needs your help!
Hurricane Harvey may go down in history as one of the greatest natural disasters to ever take place in America.
As of Monday evening, two to three feet of rain have fallen on southeastern Texas, burying cities like Houston in water. Parts of Texas and Louisiana are bracing for another two feet of rain by Thursday. Harvey is now classified as a tropical storm with maximum winds of 45 mph. Winds reached sustained speeds as high as 130 mph on Friday.
Harvey is said to displace more than 30,000 people in Texas and Louisiana from their homes by the time the storm ends, according to The Washington Post.
“We are not out of the woods yet,” Elaine Duke, the acting Homeland Security secretary, said during a Monday morning briefing in Washington. “Harvey is still a dangerous and historic storm.”
About 2,000 people have been reportedly brought to safety with many more still in need of help.
Brooklyn, let’s be that help. Any donation, great or small, we’re sure will be appreciated.
Here are all the places that need your help and have been verified to use your donations solely for Hurricane Harvey relief efforts:
We often forget the supplies that babies need that are not easily accessible during this storm. The Texas Diaper Bank in San Antonio is asking for diapers and wipes which can be mailed to 5415 Bandera Road, Suite 504, San Antonio, Tex., 78238.
The ASPCA is preparing water rescue, emergency sheltering and relocation efforts for the areas where animals need our help most. Help them save the animals that may have had to be left behind by donating HERE. The San Antonio Humane Society is currently housing 70+ pets from evacuee families forced to flee their homes, strays, and transferred shelter pets saved from the inclement weather. They are asking for your helping in sending blankets, food, beds, paper towels, toys, cat litter and harnesses to San Antonio Humane Society, 4804 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, TX 78229.
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Disaster response group, Portlight, is dedicated specifically to seniors and people with disabilities. They are asking for monetary donations and to refer people to their hotline: (800) 626-4959, who may be in the affected areas to locate services and resources they may need. Donate HERE.
If you are a doctor, nurse or someone with legal access to medicine, AmeriCares is accepting medicine and supplies for survivors in need.
The LGBTQ Disaster Relief Fund started by the Monstrose Center has a dedicated case management team on call to help homeless youth, seniors, people living with HIV, hate crime survivors, and those devastated by the storm. They are asking for monetary donations which will be used to help individuals and families begin to rebuild their lives through counseling, case management, direct assistance with shelf stable food, furniture, housing and more. Donate HERE.
Catholic Charities USA is urging people to donate to their disaster relief efforts by texting “CCUSADISASTER” to 71777.
If you are not in the position to give money, giving blood is also very well needed. If interested, contact the following organizations: AABB: (301) 907-6977, America’s Blood Centers, American Red Cross at 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), or Armed Services Blood Program at (703) 681-5979. Most in demand: those with type O-positive blood.
Canal Bar in Gowanus (270 Third Ave. between President & Union St.) posted on Facebook that they are “collecting NEW/UNUSED small items to send down south: Bleach, dog food, cat food, critter food, litter, cleaning supplies, toiletries, pacifiers, baby blankets, sanitary napkins/ tampons, diapers, baby wipes, toothbrushes, contact solution/cases, etc.”
Texas-born dine-in movie theater chain, Alamo Drafthouse has committed to donating $1 for every movie ticket purchased at their Downtown Brooklyn location this coming Sunday, September 3rd.
Make some time to give back today. Texas and their surrounding areas need you!
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