If you can’t find a job, create one!

To date, Brooklyn has the largest population of self-employed entrepreneurs and freelancers. Currently the borough houses 72,503 self-employed workers, more than any other borough.


Earlier today, a newly-released study by the Center for an Urban Future revealed that NYC is currently home to nearly 250,000 self-employed workers, an increase of 31% since 2000.

“Part of what we’re seeing is probably out of necessity as big companies cut back and lay people off, there aren’t a lot of great jobs out there, but also part of it is that technology is really giving people a platform to go out and work on their own.” Jonathan Bowles, Executive Director at the Center for an Urban Future, told Metro.

Self-Employment is not as easy as many may assume.  While a full-time job has constructed hours, stability, and a possibility of benefits, self-employment nothing, including pay is really guaranteed.

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Why are Brooklynites choosing this method?

“I think a lot of freelancers are attracted to the creative community [in Brooklyn],” Bowles reports to Metro. “People can work from anywhere these days, and they’re choosing to do so in Brooklyn because it’s got a high quality of life.”

Brooklynites are extremely creative and if you can’t find that perfect position to fit your ultimate needs, it’s time for you to get creative and make that position on your own.

[via Metro]