Brook Lopez is headed to Disney XD |Photo via @cavsmoondog Instagram
Brook Lopez is headed to Disney XD in June. | Photo via @cavsmoondog Instagram
Looks like Brooklyn Nets center, Brook Lopez’s off-season is proving to be very eventful. Brook and twin brother Robin Lopez, center for the Portland Trail Blazers, are set co-host three specials on Disney XD, featuring a number of hilarious bloopers involving NBA players on and off the court.
“As the drama of the NBA Playoffs heightens, we’re excited to work with our great partners at the NBA to show Disney XD’s kid and family audience the playful and funny side of some of their favorite NBA players,” said Paul DeBenedittis, Senior Vice President, Disney Channels Worldwide. “Robin, Brook, Cameron and Jacob delivered an extra dose of comedy and originality to the specials that we know our audience will love.” So men can now enjoy their sexual life. cialis 10 mg
The twin duo will be joined by Disney stars Cameron Boyce of Disney’s “Descendants” and Jacob Bertrand. Disney XD’s 15-minute specials,”NBA Slam Funk!” will include fan and mascot antics, circus shots and player outtakes. The basic cable channel will run the specials from Monday, June 1 through Wednesday, June 3.