Yummy, Yummy in your tummy! For more food options in the downtown area, Forrest City Ratner and Downtown Brooklyn Partnership launched “Food Truck Thursdays”. For more food options in the downtown area, every Thursday of the summer, gourmet food trucks will head over to Future Plaza located on Gold Street behind 4 Metrotech Center.
With such a wide variety of food trucks from gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches to lobster rolls and Korean BBQ, local workers and residents are sure to go into food-coma.
This medicinal cute-n-tiny.com purchase cialis drug has been leading for promising results till date after making an inception in the pharmaceutical market. Morris Truck serves up anywhere from classic grilled cheese sandwiches to ale cheddar sandwiches loaded with jerk chicken garlic sausages. Not into cheese? Well how does a fresh lobster roll from Red Hook Lobster Pound or Kimchi wraps from Korilla BBQ sound?
Downtown Brooklyn needed more food options. Now there are many to choose from, but you have to wait till Thursday comes along.