Brooklyn’s impact across the United States is pretty major. In Las Vegas, Nevada it’s clear that New York is a huge tourist attraction so why not bring it to them to gain more of a fan base. The newly renovated New York-New York Hotel & Casino is displaying the deep impact that New York in general has on other major cities.
The hotel is fully equipped with some of the best mock New York skyscrapers. It might only be 1/3 the size of Manhattan but has managed to re-create the Statue Of Liberty, the Chrysler Building, the Empire State building and my personal favorite, the Brooklyn Bridge.
The original mock New York Skyline was built in Las Vegas in 1996, and is a bit weird and a great coincidence that they never included the twin towers. The hotel decided to remodel the resort to add shops, restaurants and to renovate the mock Brooklyn Bridge. The beautiful hotel is now open to the public after a year of complete renovation.
If you’re ever in Vegas, check out the mock Brooklyn Bridge and if you like it better than the original, I won’t tell. “Whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!”