— Thursday, June 27th, 2019 —

Potions & Tinctures 101
987 Flushing Avenue at Catland
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Price: $15
Potion making is a powerful tool in the hands of the witch, apothecary, or herbalist. Potions, brews, elixirs, and tonics have been used for centuries to heal the sick, engender feelings of love, and add potency to ritual or celebration. Join co-owner of Catland Books, Melissa Madara, for a practical foray into the world of potions, their history, and their applications. Come prepared to learn, but also to sample a few of her favorites!

the chill | rooftop session
245 Varet Street at The Lightning Society
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Price: $25
Recharge with an evening of self-healing practices on Lightning Society’s chill-ass roof-top. Enjoy this blend restorative/yin yoga, live sound meditation, breath work with essential oils, reiki, and hands-on therapeutic adjustments.

Mister Dips Cinema Presents: But I’m A Cheerleader
111 North 12th Street at The William Vale – Vale Park
Time: 7pm – 10pm
Once you are diagnosed with this cialis prescription sexual disorder, you must consider during the course.
Join William Vale in Vale Park for Mister Dips Cinema, a monthly outdoor series of summer-friendly films. This week’s screening is  But I’m A Cheerleader. Mister Dips will be slinging its selection of burgers, fries, dairy dips, and beverages throughout the film.

BATH + BODY Werrk!
96 Wythe Avenue at The Williamsburg Hotel
Time: 8pm – 1am
Price: $10 & up
Don’t miss this ultimate pool party that is sure to bring a load of surprises.

Dirty Thursday: Born This Way
2 Wyckoff Avenue at House of YES
Time: 10pm – 4am
Fame monsters, artpoppers, bad romancers, highway unicorns, tonight they devote their dance floor to the visionary icon Lady Gaga in celebration of PRIDE!