Annnnd Brooklyn gets better! The first ever solar powered condo has arrived in Prospect Heights!

Prospect Heights Welcomes First Ever Solar Powered Condo


The R-951, also known as a passive house, was constructed by Further Inc., a design/build development firm. This new condo, located on 951 Pacific Street, comes equipped with three expansive duplex apartments that range from 1,492-1,617 square feet. Each apartment includes energy-saving features like: weatherproof windows, noise canceling doors, and a state of the art recovery ventilation system which guarantees breathing in fresh air. The apartments also contain green amenities, open floor-plans, modernized appliances and so much more. R-951 is currently awaiting approval to meet Passive House standards. A passive house is a building that’s energy efficient, affordable, comfortable for living in and ecological.  On the website, the Eco and Green Map designer Wendy Brawer states, “To me, meeting the Passive House standards is like putting a cozy sweater on a whole building. It’s got longevity as well as style and comfort!”

The duplex apartments are currently selling for $1.5 million each. Wowza!

Check out the inside of the house below:
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Prospect Heights Welcomes First Ever Solar Powered Condo

Prospect Heights Welcomes First Ever Solar Powered Condo


– Krista Bryant

[Photo via Inhabitat]