Homeless Couple Selflessly Gives Back To Bay Ridge Community

No matter your situation in life, it shouldn’t hinder your decision to make a conscious effort for your community and one homeless couple is a perfect example of that.
Chris and Tammy of Bay Ridge, both in their mid 50’s and despite their circumstances, do their best to keep the neighborhood tidy. According to The New York Post, they have been living on a traffic island in Bay Ridge where Chris grew up, since falling hard times. Maria LaTourette of the neighborhood stated that “Every time they’re here, they’re sweeping, they’re picking up, because they want to have this clean for everybody, not just themselves. They got rid of the hookers and drug dealers. They got rid of them all. They’re doing more than the city does. The city takes care of everything else except what they’re supposed to be taking care of.”
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It takes complete compassion, generosity, and selflessness to find someway to give back even if when they don’t “have it.” If you happen to be in the area, feel free to give this gracious homeless couple a hand, whether it be monetarily, toiletries or with a home cooked meal as all they’ve depending on soup-kitchen handouts, showers at a drug rehab and uses the bathrooms at a laundry, market, and gas station.
Spread love, its the Brooklyn way, and the right thing to do.
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