Oh Baby! 2015 welcomes Maxim, the first baby to be born in New York City, right here in Brooklyn.
The baby boy was born at Coney Island Hospital to mother Olena Olenyukh, from Sheepshead Bay, just at the stroke of midnight.Maxim, who was actually birthed a few days late, weighed in at 8 pounds and 8 ounces, and measures 21 inches long.
Maxim’s parents, who are now both first time parents, stated they weren’t aware of the hype surrounding the first baby to be born in the new year but quickly became enlightened as the ball was dropping in Times Square (and Brooklyn), they were birthing the first baby in NYC of 2015.
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“Everybody tells me, “we were watching on TV like 1, 2, 3, now 0 the baby comes out!””, Olena tells ABC.
Maxim came at the right time, as the second baby born in the Bronx was birthed only one second later at exactly 12:01.