Day 16: Celebrating 29-Days Of Black History In Brooklyn

On Day 16 of Black History Month we honor Elder Susannah Mushatt Jones.
Elder Susannah Mushatt Jones at 116 is the oldest person in the world; yes in the world! She was included in the Guinness Book of World Records on June 17, 2015 at 115 years and 346 days. Though born in Alabama on July 12, 1899, she currently lives at the Vandalia Senior Center in East New York. She has resided in New York since 1923.
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To grow older, in the African tradition, is a good thing. The status of elder comes with great distinction. Elders have accumulated knowledge and experience. They teach and inspire those younger. Children and adults respect their elders. They sit at their feet and listen to their wise counsel.
Elder Susannah Mushatt Jones wanted to be a teacher. She was accepted to the Tuskegee Institute’s Teacher’s Program as a youth. But her parents had 11 children and just could not afford to send her. In honoring our elder today, let’s take her advice for longevity: get enough rest and sleep, and surround yourself with love and positivity.
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