All The Best Brooklyn Events To Help Kick Off The First Week of Spring: 3.26.18 – 4.1.18
Here's everything you should be doing this Easter week.

Here's everything you should be doing this Easter week.
Natural Home Remedies Workshop
581 Mother Gaston Blvd at Brownsville Heritage House Inc.
Time: 6pm – 9pm
Price: suggested donation $10
Learn how to use seasonings and herbs in your kitchen to help combat flu, asthma, respiratory constriction and mucus overload. Learn the secrets of healing your respiratory, digestive, urinary and nervous systems of blockages.
The Rise of Antifa
128 Pierrepont Street at Brooklyn Historical Society
Time: 6:30pm – 8pm
Price: $5; FREE/members
Antifa, a loose affiliation of groups united in their opposition to authoritarianism, rampant capitalism, and white supremacy, has come under fire for its counter-protest methods in the past year. Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, discusses the controversial movement and its rising prominence in Trump-era America in a conversation with New Republic staff writer Alex Shephard.
Taste of Streep presents: Julie & Julia
40 Bogart Street at Syndicated
Time: 6:45pm
Price: $25
Enjoy a screening of this classic film starring funny girl Amy Adams and the delightful Meryl Streep. Each ticket comes with a Taste of Streep Swag Bag and a complimentary specialty cocktail.
Death by Pizza Trivia Meltdown!
558 Driggs Avenue at Two Boots Williamsburg
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Scott from Scott’s Pizza Tours will be joining Madame Morbid’s Trolley Tours, Brooklyn’s one and only dark history trolley tour, in hosting a spooky mash-up of Brooklyn history and pizza trivia. Enjoy FREE pizza and FREE beer  and win prizes for knowing the answers.
Affordable Housing Workshop
1368 Fulton Street at RestorationArt
Time: 7pm – 9pm
FREE w/ rsvp
Want to learn more about how to apply for affordable housing? The Actors Fund informational workshop helps participants understand the process and get organized so they can be prepared to take advantage of opportunities to apply for affordable housing. The application process is explained in simple steps and helps applicants avoid common mistakes. Information regarding income eligibility, tenant selection criteria and documentation is discussed to address the specific needs of the arts community.
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