— Thursday January 12th, 2016 —

Brooklyn Museum: Salsa Party
82 fourth Avenue at Brooklyn Museum
Time: 6pm – 9:30pm
Join the Brooklyn Museum at their monthly salsa class led by professional dancers, followed by live music and dance performances by Brooklyn’s best Latin dance teams.

Book Launch: If Our Bodies Could Talk by James Hamblin
28 Adams Street at The Powerhouse Arena
Time: 7pm
Join James Hamblin as he discusses the complex intersections between physiology, healthcare, and social justice.

Capote on Screen: Breakfast at Tiffany’s
128 Pierrepont Street at Brooklyn Historical Society
Time: 7pm
Watch the classic Audrey Hepburn classic Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Porto by Kate Benson
207 Starr Street at Bushwick Starr
Time: 8pm
Price: $20
Experience Kate Benson’s new play that focuses on gentrification in a major American City.

622 Degraw Street at Littlefield
Time: 8pm
Price $10
Witness adults sharing their most embarrassing childhood artifacts (journals, letters, poems, lyrics, plays, home movies, art) with others, in order to reveal stories about their lives. Hear grown men and women confront their past with tales of their first kiss, first puff, worst prom, fights with mom, life at bible camp, worst hand job, best mall job, and reasons they deserved to marry Jon Bon Jovi.