— Monday December 25, 2017 MERRY CHRISTMAS! —

Movies, Milk, and Cookies (and Yoga!)
575 Degraw Street at Brooklyn Boulders
Time: 3pm – 8pm
Price: FREE/members; FREE/non-members with normal day pass, or 10 pack swipe
Enjoy a Christmas Day yoga class taught by Gary Lai and stick around after to enjoy movies and refreshments.

Buttermilk’s 4th Annual Christmas Potluck
577 5th Avenue at Buttermilk Bar
Time: 8:45pm
Don’t have anywhere to go on Christmas day? Buttermilk is the answer. Make a dish, bake some cookies or if you can’t cook, buy some utensils or plants and join in the misfit Christmas. Also bring a $5 (or under) gift for someone else. Don’t worry, you’ll end up with a gift too!