1 Of 7 Black Students Accepted To Stuyvesant HS Turns Down Offer

A 14-year-old junior high school graduate, Adrian Eastmond, is deemed a “Brooklyn Whiz Kid” by the Daily News for his outstanding accomplishments. The teenager was recently one of seven black students accepted into the prestigious Stuyvesant High School in Tribeca.
Although the smart, East Flatbush teenager made up a small group to gain a limited seat in one of the eight specialized schools in New York, Eastmond turned down the offer to attend a boarding school in Massachusetts.
“I kind of wanted a different experience,” Adrian told the Daily News. “He gets to learn on his own, grow on his own,” Adrian’s father, Roosevelt Eastmond said. “It provides him with opportunities I don’t think he would have had in the city.”
Adrian has already settled into Northfield Mount Hermon, a high school know for providing its students with opportunity and the road to success. Although a different setting and rigorous curriculum brought Adrian to the school, it was the tasty cafeteria style food that sealed the deal for the young man.
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Adrian hasn’t come this far without putting in extra hours of hard work. He spent his summers taking extra courses, five days a week and eight hours each day studying and prepping for high school entry exams.
He has now enjoyed a few robotics courses and is looking forward to honors physics and geometry courses.
Excited to see where Adrian does with his extensive knowledge.
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