If you’re a fan of riding your bike, Tour De Brooklyn is your type of party! Hundreds of cyclists will be riding across the borough on Sunday, June 1st, as part of Transportation Alternative’s, Tour De Brooklyn. Unfortunately registration is closed, BUT great news, all cyclists are urged to still come out and participate in the amazing 20 mile journey.
The tour starts and ends in Erie Basin Park (right next to Ikea) in Red Hook. Between 10 am and 4pm at Erie Basin Park, cyclist who come out as well as supporters will be able to view and purchase, new and used bikes, cycling accessories, T-shirts and plenty of other great items. Bikes run from around $50 (probably extremely used, but gets the job done) to so unbeatable prices for collectors editions.
All you need to do is browse around for info cialis on line chew it and get ready to indulge in sexual activity.
Brooklyn has become the borough of less cars and more bicycles. All ages are invited to Tour De Brooklyn, from your little ones who still have training wheels attached, to experienced riders. With the weather tomorrow being a high of 75 degrees and sunny, you don’t want to miss this.