Anyone who has lived in Crown Heights, Brooklyn since prior to the late 90s has seen the predominately African-American and Jewish neighborhood evolve to a land full of hipsters from God knows where. What once was a neighborhood of family owned businesses and mom and pop shops has been overtaken by new developments and dozens of coffee shops (GOD WE DON’T NEED ANOTHER ONE) and the building of the first Starbucks which was the obvious sign that the neighborhood was “under construction”.

#ThingsGentrifiersDo Is The Hashtag Old BK Has Been Waiting For!

Today on Twitter, after a young lady was in conversation with a friend on her distaste of her new residence in Washington Heights and OurBKSocial’s Founding Editor, Ayanna Prescod had a midnight rant on how Crown Heights, Brooklyn has changed drastically, #ThingsGentrifiersDo quickly became a trending hashtag on Twitter. The responses were everything “Original Brooklyn” has been waiting to share!

Here are a few of our favorites:

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And finally, the one that spoke to our soul:

Photo Credit: DailyNews