While people continue to protest the recent happenings in Ferguson, Missouri and around the world due to the killing of Michael Brown, Spike Lee continues to use his celebrity and social media platform to speak out on injustice. On Instagram he unveiled artwork by Adrian Franks of Eric Garner, an innocent man murdered by a cop via chokehold and recently a subtle photographer of Mike Brown. Mike Brown, an unarmed teenager (18) was shot and murdered by, Darren Wilson, an LAPD officer.
Thou just two pictures, they create a huge impact in the Brooklyn community.
Lee later posted another image of the memorial that listed links to other victims of police shootings. He then asks, “This Is For Real. I Am Not Making This Up When Will This Madness Stop?”
This morning he listed names of recent young black men murdered. Maintain vascular health The condition of high blood cialis 40 mg https://unica-web.com/archive/2011/General-Assembly/report11.pdf cholesterol amount, your diet should be tall in fresh fruit, vegetables as well as whole grains.
The memorial can be viewed in Fort Greene on 82-86 S Elliott Place, in front of his 40 Acres and a Mule production building.