Today is a sad day for the world. Award winning poet and essayist was found dead in her home in Winston-Salem, today, by her caregiver. While we reflect on the Queen that Maya Angelou was, we can all be happy that she lived a life of purpose. Through her  words and poetry she has managed to heal nations. Maya Angelou is best known for her award-winning writing, including I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and Still I Rise.
Angelou’s formal education stopped in high school but through experience and intellect was able to teach herself. She was awarded more than 30 honorary degrees from colleges and insisted on being called “Dr. Angelou”.
One of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou came when she was awarded “Outstanding Service to the American Literary Community,” in November of 2013 at the National Book Awards. From her wheelchair, Angelou dazzled the crowd by singing a verse of a spiritual: “When it looked like it wouldn’t stop raining, God put a rainbow in the clouds.” Her good friend and fellow author, Toni Morrison presented her the award.
Maya Angelou was truly a “Phenomenal Woman”. Her legacy will remain for decades.
Lets take a look back at her life through pictures, poetry and interviews.
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