A Few TV Series Characters, Then & Now, Said To Be ‘Brooklynites’

Everyone wants to be from Brooklyn, so much so, TV show writers make the borough one of the most popular places for a character’s foundation.
Many shows from then and now have been filmed in the borough, but only a few characters are said to call Brooklyn their home. See below a few of our favorite TV fictional characters that are the definition of true Brooklynites; even if they aren’t real.
Zbornak was played by the late Beatrice Arthur in everyone’s favorite hit series The Golden Girls. Though the neighborhood of Brooklyn was never revealed in any of the shows, Zbornak’s Sicilian mother Sophia, does mention that she was born on a pinochle table at McSoley’s Bar. If this were true and Sophia wasn’t being sarcastic, McSoley’s Bar is actually very real but doesn’t help us much as it’s one of the oldest standing bars in Manhattan — not Brooklyn.
Watch below as fellow roommate Blanche Devereaux confirms Zbornak is infact a “Brooklynite.”
Khadijah James (Queen Latifah), Synclaire James-Jones (Kim Coles), Regine Hunter (Kim Fields), Maxine Shaw (Erika Alexander), Overton Wakefield Jones (John Henton), Kyle Barker (TC Carson) and Ira Lee “Tripp” Williams (Mel Jackson) were all sharing a home in “the middle-class section of Park Slope, Brooklyn.” We’d also have to assume this was pre-gentrification, when there was a middle-class in Park Slope. Jokes!
Watch below the Living Single show intro with theme music. The intro was super important for the show because it solidified the character’s Brooklyn roots.
Kramden, one of our favorite Brooklyn TV characters was played by the late, great Jackie Gleason. Kramden worked as a bus driver for the fictional Gotham Bus Company based out of Brooklyn (there in a MTA bus station now named after Gleason) and his character, wife Alice and two friends lived on 328 Chauncey St., in Bensonhurst though the actual street is in Bushwick. Most of the show, only on TV for one season, was filmed in the borough.
Watch below the first show than mentions Ralph Kramden from Brooklyn, NY.
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Dr. Heathcliff “Cliff” Huxtable, wife Claire and their family all resided in a 4-family Brownstone in Brooklyn Heights. Yes, even though the show was taped in Manhattan, Brooklyn was their official place of residence. This show may be one of the first, greatest, shows to ever put “Brooklyn on the map.”
Horvath of the hit series GIRLS, played by an actual Brooklynite Lena Dunham, is an aspiring writer who lives in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Though she was born and raised in East Lansing, Michigan she moved to Brooklyn for an unpaid internship. Horvath is known for her narcissism and immaturity, who struggles to support herself and find a direction in her life.
Watch below a tour of some of the famous locations of GIRLS, including Hannah’s Greenpoint workplace.
Aldrin was played by actress Alyson Hannigan in the former CBS hit television series How I Met Your Mother. Lily, a kindergarten teacher/amateur painter, is the wife of Marshall Eriksen and a proud Park Slope resident, that is until she moves to San Fransisco for work. However, three months later she does come back because who the heck can stay away from Brooklyn?
Santos, played by the legendary Jennifer Lopez, is the it girl of the new NBC series Shades of Blue. Though we don’t know quite where she and her daughter Christina Santos live, she is said to work at the New York City Police Department’s 64th precinct, which existed in Bay Ridge (north east corner of 86th Street and 5th Avenue) back in the early 30’s to the late 50’s, before it was torn down. So we can assume she live’s somewhere close by, can’t we?!
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