Celebrate Brooklyn Street Style With Author Anya Sacharow

Brooklyn houses some of the most creative, innovative, and unique people. Now thanks to a $24.95 book by culture enthusiast and Carroll Gardens resident, Anya Sacharow, entitled “Brooklyn Street Style: The No-Rules Guide To Fashion“, we can now add home to “most stylish” under our resume.
“Brooklyn was not always considered a chic or trendy place at all,” Sacharow told AMNY.”It’s interesting to look at how style and Brooklyn are intertwined and how that then rippled out to the rest of the world.”
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Anya is no newbie to journalism as she has written for major publications including Time, Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone and more. In this book, you can expect tons of style advice from a few of Brooklyn’s tastemakers. This list includes Kerry Diamond, editor-in-chief of Cherry Bombe magazine and restauranteur; Jenn Rogein: costume designer for HBO’s Girls; Mary Alice Stephenson: style expert and creator of MARYALICESTYLE; Heather Hardy: featherweight champion boxers and tons more.
To celebrate the launch of “Brooklyn Street Style,” join author Anya Sacharow tomorrow at the PowerHouse Arena, at Brooklyn TasteMakers: Global Influencers, 7pm. The event features a panel discussion, moderated by Sacharow, about Brooklyn style, what defines it and why the world loves it? The panel of leading Brooklyn taste makers will also discuss what makes Brooklyn the darling of the fashionable world’s eye. On this first night of NYC Fashion Week, join Anya Sacharow for an insider’s look at the outsider borough that has become the center of it all.
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