Brooklyn! Your Vote, Your Voice, Matters!
Photo via Twitter

I’ve learned over the past two years, with “vote” and “there’s no power like people power” at the top of my list. Do you know that your voice matters? Overstanding (thank you Brooklyn Rastas; see Etymology 2) this can lead to major changes across our borough, especially, when we know who our governing body is. Let’s go a step deeper in this political pool…

There’s more than enough buzz around presidential candidacy, and seeing how much that looks like it’s going straight to hell, I say it’s about time we exercise our power critically. We must put the people in office that work for us — speak to our needs, work on our challenges! We must also hold this people accountable, but the only way to do that is being registered to vote. Are you registered?

There has been growing push-up against registering to vote because many believe, “the system is rigged anyway, why register?” “My vote doesn’t matter.” “I don’t vote, it doesn’t make sense.” Wrong, wrong, wrong. Work to correct the system. You voice and your vote DOES matter because without it, people like Jumanee Williams, Laurie Cumbo and Diana Richardson, wouldn’t be in office. Registering to vote + the more we show up in numbers = more progressives in office. More progressives in office + communities holding their governing bodies accountable = positive and effective change. Positive and effective change + (governing members x collective community efforts) = a better Brooklyn!

The math is simple!

With the 2016 NY Primary coming in June, and the State Office Primary in September, it’s time to get some practice in. Know who’s running on what ticket, their ideals and how their leadership will affect your community. (Sending a huge thanks to Darius Gordon and the great people at Citizen Action of New York.) You must have all of the cards to play your hand right. “I’m holding all of the cards in my hand and *expletive* want to play chess now.” Drake said it and watch what happens when we have a borough that won’t be pushed over!

Here are some tips:

  • Find out what district you live in! This will make it easier for you to find out who holds the seat for NYC Council, NYS Senate, NYS Assembly, US Congress and US Senate.

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  • You have a friend in Google! See what your governing body is up to now. There is a lot of information available to the public; meeting notes, times and dates, what was voted on…all you have to do is know where to look.
  • Always check government pages for updates and keep important electoral dates in mind!
  • Register to vote!
  • Remember, your voice matters!

Now, let’s save ourselves before we end up with…never mind.