— Thursday, March 2nd, 2017 —

Ava DuVernay’s 13th Documentary Screening
1 University Plaza at Kumble Theater
Time: 6pm
Watch the Oscar nominated documentary on how the prison system is the modern day slavery for minorities.

Bread for Beginners with Chef Adam Leonti
201 Moore Street at Brooklyn Bread Lab
Time: 7pm
Price: $95
If you ever wanted to learn how to make fresh, baked bread, well here is your chance with Chef Leonti.

Secret Science Club: Evolutionary Biologist Corrine Moreau
149 Seventh Avenue at The Bell House
Time: 7:30pm
At this event, evolutionary biologist and myrmecologist Corrie Moreau burrows into the intriguing lives of ants: their evolution, their intense symbiotic relationships with other species, their teeny tiny microbiomes, and their strange social structures and abilities.

Pratt Presents Conversations on Creativity with Questlove
200 Willoughby Avenue at Pratt Institute
Time: 8pm
Join QuestLove as he holds a compelling panel discussion about our history and more.

Kings of Karaoke
249 4th Avenue at The Rock Shop
Time: 10:30pm – 1am
Belt out your favorite rock songs. No experience required!