20 Perfect Brooklyn Locations Used In Movies & Television

The perfect backdrop for any film or TV show can be found practically anywhere in Brooklyn. From the colorful neighborhoods and eclectic night clubs to the green parks and fancy restaurants, the borough has the street cred for being used in you favorite on screen scenes throughout the years. To help jog your memory, here are 20 Brooklyn locations found in some of your favorites movies and TV shows.
Coney Island’s Cyclone Roller coaster is one of the oldest attractions that the theme park has. It has been seen in Sidney Lumet’s 1978 film “The Wiz”. This movie was equipped with an all-star cast that included Michael Jackson and Diana Ross amongst others.
To us Brooklynites, Hoyt-Schermerhorn train station is another stop during our daily commute, but it is also a famous landmark. In the 1979 movie, “The Warriors,” a gang-rival film, has a clip in the train station while trying to return home to their territory. The station also became mildly famous for Michael Jackson’s “Bad” music video.
The Brooklyn Heights/Cobble Hill book store had a small cameo in the movie “Eat,Pray,Love” starring Julia Roberts. The scene was spotted at the very beginning when Robert’s character was shopping for self-help books.
The Brooklyn Court House is another part of Downtown Brooklyn that is frequently seen in movies. It was filmed in the biopic “American Gangster” starring Oscar winner, Denzel Washington. You can spot the court house in the part where Washington’s character was sentenced.
This bakery was featured in the classic movie “Moonstruck” starring Cher and Nicholas Cage. The bakery’s iconic ovens in the basement, where the two superstars were first spotted in the movie, are what make people flock to local spot to this day., because it was a part of the scene with the two superstars.
In 1977, this pizzeria made its debut in the classic movie “Saturday Night Live”. John Travolta’s character Tony Manero, was spotted purchasing a slice of pizza from the legendary pizza parlor.
Tilden High School had made history when it was featured in the 1993 basketball movie “Above the Rim”. It was one of the many basketball courts that were used during the games.
The hit comedy show “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” takes place in Downtown Brooklyn’s local police precinct. In the show, you may recall it as the 99th precinct.
Although this bank is no longer standing, it did appear in the Al Pacino film “Dog Day Afternoon”. The movie focuses on Pacino’s character, who came up with the plan to rob the bank to help pay for his lover’s operation.
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The luncheonette was part of the very first scene in the film “The Departed”. The movie starred Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, and Mark Wahlberg.
Angelina Jolie starred in the spy movie “Salt”. During the movie, one of the scenes takes place at Floyd Bennett Field when the prisoner was transferred from North Korea.
“Mona Lisa Smile” starred the beautiful Julia Roberts and featured the St. Augustine Catholic Church. The church was the backdrop for the famous wedding scene.
The film “Bullet” displays an on-going feud between two men. In one of the main scenes, the fight, takes place in Lafayette High School.
The movie “Mildred Pierce” was filmed at this park. The movie was a remake of the 1945 version which starred the talented Joan Crawford.
The famous Brooklyn Studio is where many parts of the hit movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” were filmed. This movie is based on the true story about Jordan Belfort.
Before this pizza shop was used in the Spike Lee Joint “Do the Right Thing,” it was just an empty lot in Bedford- Stuyvesant. After the movie wrapped, the shop was torn down and turned back into an empty lot.
Fort Greene Park was a staple in the movie “She’s Gotta Have It,” directed by Spike Lee. A memorable scene was taped in front of the Prison Ship Martyr’s monument which was covered in graffiti.
These green field pastures was featured in the 1982 movie “Sophie’s Choice”. The Parade Grounds are located in Prospect Park and known as the baseball field.
The famed tourist attraction was in the film “Remember Me”. The 2010 film was an American romantic coming of age drama, directed by Allen Coulter and starred Robert Pattison and Chris Cooper.
The Park Slope night club has been spotted as the backdrop of many scenes in the award winning HBO show “Boardwalk Empire”.
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