Newsweek unveiled their “America’s Top High School of 2014” list and two Brooklyn schools made the cut.
The high-school choices and rankings were based off of schools that do the best job in preparing their students for college. According to Newsweek, Brooklyn Latin School and Brooklyn Technical High School are the only two Brooklyn schools that fill that criteria.
Brooklyn Latin School
Brooklyn Latin School located on 325 Bushwick Avenue, in between Williamsburg and Bushwick, is one of the nine specialized high schools in New York City. They ranked number 75 with a college readiness score of 95.09, a college bound percentile of 97.97 and a graduation rate of 78.16.
Brooklyn Technical HS
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Brooklyn Technical High School located on 29 Fort Greene Place in Fort Greene, is also one of the nine specialized high schools in New York City. They ranked number 397 with a college readiness score of 74.04, a college bound percentile of 86.66 and a graduation rate of 59.32.
A special test producing high scores needs to be taken to get accepted into both schools, but if they are two of the best in America, its worth it.