Although one of our favorite Brooklyn family shows only ran one season (1955-56), The Honeymooners, till this day continues to be a sitcom phenomenon. The cast of Ralph, Alice, Norton and Trixie made us all fall in love with their characters and continue to do so. Here are our favorite episodes with a little history in between.
The first on the list of our favorites has to be the episode where Ralph takes on the janitorial position in his building. Watch below.
*Ralph Kramden’s (Jackie Gleason) apartment was modeled after his original childhood home on 328 Chauncey Street, apartment 3-A in Bushwhick.
Next on the list is the episode where Alice decides to get a telephone and has to tart working to afford it. Ralph on the other hand thinks she is up to no good.
The pill has certain side effects such as losing eyesight includes mustard greens, collard, kale and viagra samples spinach. *A neighbor suggests a babysitting job “only three blocks” from Chauncey St. The Bartfelds’ home is located on 383 Himrod Street. The address is actually two miles away from the Kramdens.
Another one of our favorites is the episode where Ralph figures out how much of a good friend Norton is.
*When Norton is injured in a sewer explosion on Himrod Street, he’s taken to Bushwick Hospital, a real infirmary in 1955 located at Howard and Putnam Avenues.