We already know how much President Barack Obama loves Brooklyn. Just last week the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) received one of the highest honors from President Obama during a White House Ceremony.
One of Brooklyn’s biggest art institutions received the National Medal of Arts this past Monday. The award is presented yearly to honor individuals and institutions that have made a significant impact to the arts.
According to the Brooklyn Paper, Obama stated while presenting the prestigious award,
“The moments you help create — moments of understanding or awe or joy or sorrow — they add texture to our lives. They are not incidental to the American experience — they are central to it. They are essential to it.”
The President of BAM, Karen Brooks Hopkins, accepted the award with a huge smile. Joe Melillo, an executive producer at BAM stated, “I’m still floating!”Due to these rods, the penile organ remains semi-rigid and needs only few efforts to bring it in erection buy viagra unica-web.com position.