Could Brooklyn Possibly Be Getting Another Subway Line?

Due to the latest uproar of overcrowding of NYC train stations, most specifically in Brooklyn; the mayor would like to see another subway line added in the borough.
Mayor Bill de Blasio has called for a study to investigate the possibility of a subway line down the Utica Ave corridor of Brooklyn. The mayor has called this growing part of Crown Heights, Brooklyn “one of the densest areas of the city without direct access to the subway.” It’s one of several MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority) related proposals contained in de Blasio’s OneNYC proposal whose pages open with the motto, “The Plan for One New York: A Strong and Just Future.”
It’s not yet clear how this expansion would take shape; whether it would branch off the 3, 4 train from Eastern Parkway or the A or C trains from Fulton St line or something completely different.
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OneNYC also calls for the MTA to study creating an optional transfer at the Livonia Ave/Junius St stations between the L and the 3 lines which would improve the lack of subway access for Canarsie and East New York residents.
How will this rather large and timely project be paid for? That’s the only thing up in the air. The MTA has an awful track record of finishing capital projects on budget as traditionally, the city contributes $100 million per year to the MTA’s capital plan. Welp!
Of course this is all still in the early development stages and would take quite a few years to pan out. But we’ll wait as it seems like a great (expensive) idea.
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