New York Super Week and every superhero fan’s heaven, Comic-Con is set to take place in October and Brooklyn’s favorite beer is planning something major. For the third year, Brooklyn Brewery has collaborated with pop culture event organizer ReedPOP, to introduce a new character as well as a exclusive beer flavor. This is the first year the two have gone with presenting a female super-hero.
To gain a better view of how the product works and they also (cialis on line) view over here have renowned experts endorsing the product.
The super-hero, Brooklyn Defender, was created by comic book artist Amy Reeder and is described as encompassing the beer taste and modern pop culture. She should’ve just illustrated Beyonce. She’s a super-hero right?
The beer is set to hit New York City on a September 10th release party and then be available for purchase in bars and restaurants during Super Week from October 3rd to the 12th.