If you don’t have dreams, start dreaming and dream BIG. A group of three Brooklyn teens recently inked a deal with Sony worth $1.7 million dollars according to the NYDailyNews. With recent gigs at huge concerts like Vans Warped Tour and Coachella and even opening for Guns N’ Roses, 13 year old guitarist Malcolm Brickhouse, 13 year old bassist Alec Atkins and 12 year old drummer Jarad Dawkins make up a small metal band by the name of, Unlocking The Truth.
Their agreed contract will blow your mind! As of right now they are guaranteed a two-album deal with a $60,000 advance on their first album and a up to a whopping $350,000 advance for their second. If Sony does decide to pick up all options of a potential six record contract these young eighth graders are looking at a multimillion dollar income.
The boys group started off as play dates then starting playing together and showcasing their talents in Washington Square Park where they were first discovered. Now they are on the verge of pocketing millions.
Watch the teens play at a previous Brooklyn Nets Halftime show. Caffeine & amoroso can in fact aching your performance. good service levitra 10 mg