“While We’re Young,” a new comedy starring actor Ben Stiller, follows a struggling documentary filmmaker (Stiller) who befriends two younger “Brooklyn hipsters” (Adam Driver and Seyfried). Stiller, who usually sticks to his Manhattan digs, spoke with Variety on his lack of knowledge of the borough.
“I hadn’t spent a lot of time in Brooklyn,” Stiller told the publication. “I’m from the Upper West Side. I remember going to Brooklyn as a kid, and the neighborhoods are always very exotic to me and so different.” Stiller also expressed that he didn’t observe much of the “Brooklyn hipster” culture while the movie was being filmed throughout Williamsburg and Greenpoint. “I feel like it’s all ridiculous the way people are categorizing it,” said the actor. “People are doing their thing, and you can make fun of it easily. I think the people who are quote-unquote hipsters probably are not all hipsters. They are people who might have a beard.”
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Look at that, Stiller slightly understands that this entire “Brooklyn Hipster” thing is a bit extreme; and he’s not even a Brooklynite.
“While We’re Young” is set to release in theaters in the US this Friday, March 27th.