6 Awesome Female Authors And Their Books You Need This Summer

To have the title author under your belt is a huge accomplishment. An accomplishment that takes a lot of balls, that is. I say that because now you have your work open to be judged and critiqued by the masses. Cues Erykah Badu, “Keep in mind that I’m an artist, and I’m sensitive about my sh*t“. Writing is a personal skill. Everyone can write, but not everyone can write well.
So here’s a list of female authors, all from Brooklyn and their books that you should be picking up this summer, because let’s face it reading shouldn’t just be limited to winter reading. Before heading to the beach, with your blanket, beach chair and cold beverage, don’t hesitate to tote one of these book mentions along with you.
This book that crosses continents is about romance, marriage, culture, love and family. There’s a line in the end of the book that says “I believe that it is only by sharing our stories that we become one community”
A story about a young woman named Kyla who struggles with accepting her past and not allowing it to consume who she is presently.
An innovative, easy to understand, integrated model of addiction, codependency, enabling relationships, Adult/Child Syndrome and other manifestations of emotional abandonment http://appalachianmagazine.com/2019/03/07/baptizing-in-the-creek-making-a-public-profession-in-the-mountains/ cheap viagra is presented.
A book, more a memoir dedicated to the frequent bar goer. The story is genuine, honest, compassionate, and relatable.
This story offers a perspective into what it’s like to be a parent in this time. There is insight, humor, honesty, and empathy found throughout this book.
A book about the author’s experience becoming an adult in NYC. Extremely honest piece of work that speaks about love, career, friendship unapologetically.
The book documents the author’s grandfather’s love letters exchanged from Brooklyn, N.Y. to Jamaica where her grandmother lived back in 1918. Her grandfather fell in-love and proposed to her grandmother in one of those letters, where she happily accepted and they officially met the day before their wedding. The book includes original copies of her grandfather’s letters and lots of love!
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