#2 Train Ranks Worst In The City!

The number 2 train that travels from Brooklyn to the Bronx, has been named the worst subway line of 2014, according to Straphangers Campaign.
Based on subway riders’ reports, the ability to find a seat on the number 2 line is extremely difficult but that’s not even the half. The ride along the line is extremely bumpy making the people left standing, having to brace themselves from falling.
According to AM NewYork,
The No. 2 has actually gotten worse since 2013, the period the report covers.
Most recent MTA stats said number of No. 2 train arriving at stations on time during the week for the 12-months ending in May dropped by 1.5% to 71.5%.The No. 2 line did get better in station and train cleanliness, equipment, and signage and car announcements.
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The Best? For the 7th time, the number 7 train that rides from Times Square to Flushing earns people’s overall favorite. The 1 and L line not to far behind from the number 7.
The line where you are almost always guaranteed a seat? The R train! Note that the R trains are still not stopping at its normal stops. That probably has something to do with it.
To me all trains are still not 100% but they get me to my destination so I won’t complain. (Not like I could anyway.)
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