Barriers and obstacles were no excuse for the 17-year FDNY veteran, Tracy Lewis of Engine Co. 222 in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Yesterday, Lewis was promoted to the rank of  Lieutenant, only the 2nd African-American woman to receive that title.


As reported in the NYDailyNews, Lewis stated:

“You encounter resistance every day, but I can’t let that stop me from going forward,” Lewis said Wednesday during a promotion ceremony at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn. “I worked very hard for this. I studied very hard for this. And it was just a matter of when this day would come.”

“They’re wondering whether or not you can do the job,” the 41-year-old trailblazer said. “But if you’ve been through the academy and you’ve proven yourself there, that should be enough. I come to the firehouse and I do what was taught to me.”


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Upon receiving her honor, she was embraced by the 1st African-American woman to receive the title, Ella McNair. McNair was promoted to Lieutenant back in 2002. McNair then retired in 2006 but was a mentor to Lewis and stated that Lewis was “more than deserving”.

Sadly, the FDNY is still only 5% black and 9% Hispanic. The most recent June graduating class is about 45% minority. Hopefully things will look up from here.

Congrats to Tracy Lewis!

Photo Credit – NYDailyNews