The Brooklyn Museum’s front steps, located on Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue, have become the summer hangout spot for many. You grab an iced coffee and a sandwich and rest in-front og the museum, while watching the the fountain splash water in a vertical motion.
The Brooklyn Museum  has gathered a few local musicians whom have created a piece to accompany the rifts of the fountain.
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On Friday, August 14th at 6:30, the Brooklyn Museum will showcase the music they have chose in a FREE show.
We asked musicians and producers of all genres to create an original score to accompany our Jane and David Walentas Fountain in front of the Museum, and received a number of great entries. Thank you to everyone who shared their music. We’re excited to premier works by the following composers: Collin Simon, Keith Reynolds, Timothy Cramer and Michael Gentile, Jessica DiMari, Sevarg300 Kavin Graves, Lafayette Harris Jr., Eugene Marlow, Ryan Schumann, and Stephen Taylor.