#NotSoBrooklynNews – Happy Birthday Trayvon Martin!
Today would have marked Trayvon Martin’s 19th birthday. Trayvon Martin was murdered days after his 17th birthday, on February 26th, 2012, in  Sanford, Florida. His...
Today would have marked Trayvon Martin’s 19th birthday. Trayvon Martin was murdered days after his 17th birthday, on February 26th, 2012, in  Sanford, Florida. His...
You ever talk to someone briefly on the bus or subway? Fell in love with their pretty smile or big bright eyes? But then...
First year head coach, Jason Kidd, has been named Eastern Conference Coach Of The Month for the Brooklyn Nets performance in the month of...
Now this is an interesting story to say the least. Jake Appleman, author of “Brooklyn Bounce“, managed to write an entire book about the Nets...
Okay, this has to be one of the greatest Valentine’s Day ideas I have seen thus far! A “Beyonce Themed” menu for your dining...
While the snow continues to pile up, lets prepare for the summer. We weren’t so lucky Sunday morning, as the groundhog predicted that we...
Once Oscar Nominee, Lupita Nyong’o, mentioned Madiba resturant in Fort Greene, Brooklyn (where she lives) was one of her favorite places to dine I...
According to Buzzfeed.com, there are 19 specific signs to tell you are from Brooklyn! In my opinion, this article for the most part makes...
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