MTA public transportation is set to go up in price, again.
Earlier today, the MTA held a public hearing at Walt Whitman Theater at Brooklyn College, where Brooklynites could voices their opinions and concerns on the new proposed fare hikes.
The transit authority has proposed two different transportation hikes to the community. The first proposal would increase the base fare on a MetroCard from $2.50 to $2.75. Riders would then get an 11 percent bonus for loading extra money on their cards. The second proposal, the base fare for both single and pay-per-ride MetroCards would remain at $2.50, but there would no longer be any bonus for putting additional cash on your card. Both proposals would still see an increase in price for an unlimited 30-day MetroCard to $116.50. Erectile Difficulties Another symptom that you swill discount viagra find while being a patient of prostate cancer is about the disorder within your sexual organ.
The proposals will be voted on in January and can take effect as soon as next March 2015.
Will the publics voice of unease concerning the hike be a concern for the MTA? Probably, not!