Apparently Brooklyn’s Job Market Is Way Better Than Manhattan

If you’re a NYC resident looking for a job online, stop filing your search down to just Manhattan. Brooklyn’s job market is apparently way better.
Brooklyn’s job growth has risen at nearly twice the rate as Manhattan over the past two years, according to the NY Daily News. With all the new businesses opening up in the borough, the number of jobs in Brooklyn jumped to 11.6% through the end of 2015 while Manhattan only rose 5.9%.
“We’re working to fight income inequality one job at a time,” Mayor de Blasio told the Daily News. “We’ve been targeting investments towards historically underserved communities, and focusing on both raising wages and creating accessible, middle class jobs.”
According to the New York Post, a report released by the New York state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli back in 2014, said that Brooklyn has the most robust job market.
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The borough of artisanal cheese shops and fair-trade clothing stores has become New York’s most burgeoning employment market, according to a new state report.
Employers say that work is flowing to Brooklyn because the area is the laid-back anti-Manhattan.
While Manhattan, in real numbers, added 118,396 jobs in 2014 and 2015 combined, Brooklyn added another 58,444 jobs and is still currently growing as more and more development happens in the borough.
If we had to get straight to the point, if you want to get hired, look in Brooklyn first.
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