20 Brooklyn Events That’ll Help You Get Through The Work Week: 6.5.17 – 6.8.17
It's the first week in June. Let's have a ball!

It's the first week in June. Let's have a ball!
Broadway Dance
Pier 2 at Brooklyn Bridge Park
Time: 10:30am
FREE w/ registration
Set to swinging show tunes, this class is appropriate for anyone who wants a safe, effective and fun workout. Sneakers are a must. Registration begins at 9:30 am before each class.
Food Futures
33 Flatbush Avenue at Genspace
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Price: $75 – $150
For all pro-health foodies, explore the world of farming, ariculture and more with Stefani Bardin.
Cocktails and Conspiracy First Mondays
214 Starr Street at Starr Bar
Time: 7:30pm – 10pm
Price: $5 – $7
Watch the works of underrepresented queer filmmakers and filmmakers of color in the industry.
Free Rooftop Movie Monday
153 Morgan Avenue at Our Wicked Lady
Time: 8pm – 11pm
Have fun watching the 80s classic Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Get there early to get a prime spot. Feel free to bring a blanket along or a small lawn chair. Happy Hour is from 5-8pm.
Video Vortex: Desperation Rising
445 Albee Square West at Alamo Drafthouse
Time: 9:30pm
Price: $5
Desperation Rising, starring Nick “Son of John” Cassavetes and dozens of real-life Los Angeles gang members, appear as part of a rehabilitation program. This is the best movie on earth about a stockbroker seminar that turns into a cocaine-fueled rage war. The event will be hosted by Annie Choi (Bleeding Skull). Bring $$ for food as this is a dine-in theater.
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