Like a scene from a scary movie, someone thinks its fun to clown around a historic Brooklyn cemetery. A prankster was spotted at Green-Wood cemetery last week in a scary clown costume carrying a handful of pink balloons. The scary clown was spotted by a nearby worker who sent a picture and video in to South Slope News.
According to the man who spotted the prankster
I work nearby in Industry city and there have been a lot of rumors about the clown this summer…. and yup… they are true. He was loitering around a lot of gravestones nearby 34th and 5th ave… kinda by a little lake. He was very timid and ran away whenever I got closer. I did find a Build a Bear bag nearby where I found him that had a womans umbrella and a bag of fritos…..
Very Strange…
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Looking at the video you can see that the clown circled around a mausoleum before the video cuts off, but you do notice him looking around to see if anyone is watching him.
Green-Wood has been notified and they assured that if they see him they will escort him off the premises.
Maybe he was just visiting a former clown friend who passed away. Either way, super creepy!