Brooklyn Man Suing Quaker Oats For $5 Million For Having Cancer Causing Product

Lewis Daly of Brooklyn has filed a $5 million lawsuit against Quaker Oats, claiming that their advertising is “false, deceptive, and misleading.” Daly cited that the carcinogenic substance “glyphosate” has been used to grow the oats.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has ruled glyphosate to be harmful to humans in 2015. The chemical — an herbicide used to kill weeds — has been linked to numerous diseases that are detrimental to the human body such as versions of breast, thyroid, kidney, pancreas, liver and bladder cancers and myeloid leukemia.
Quaker Oats, based in Chicago, claims that their product is “100 percent natural” however since the discovery of the substance it makes their claim a bit shaky.
Glyphosate “is sprayed on the oats and used as a drying agent before they are harvest,” Daly said in his lawsuit with the Brooklyn Federal Court.
While Daly is suing Quaker Oats, many other popular breakfast foods recently tested by the Alliance for Natural Health-USA like eggs, bagels, wholewheat bread, and coffee creamers have been found to have high levels of the carcinogenic chemical. A total of 10 out of the 24 foods tested have included traces of the cancer causing chemical.
“Quaker knows that consumers seek out and wish to purchase whole, natural foods that do not contain chemicals, and that consumers will pay more for foods that they believe to be natural,” Daly states in a court document. “Natural” in this case is far from the truth.
Read labels guys, both organic and non-organic, it’s sure to help you know what you’re eating.
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