Yay, a day that celebrates Brooklyn (and Queens) and better yet, all public schools in the borough get the day off. You get to sleep in late and not have to worry about thinking to hard. Besides the holiday name, do you know exactly why you get to stay home? many of you don’t and probably don’t care, but I think you should know.
Brooklyn-Queens Day originated as a Protestant holiday celebrated solely in the city of Brooklyn first, from 1829. Back then it was known as Anniversary Day. Anniversary Day is celebrated annually on the first Thursday in June to celebrate the First Sunday School in New York. The very first parade was held in Brooklyn in June of 1829. Different generic levitra http://deeprootsmag.org/2012/10/19/its-been-a-blue-blue-day/ institutions have different operating policies and some of these products with money back guarantee or free trial.
In 1959, at the request of the Queens Federation of Churches, the NY State Legislature enacted the bill permitting the schools in both Kings and Queens counties schools to be closed on this day. That bill was signed by former Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller.
So all in all, to sum up your day off, it has to do with Sunday School in churches. So you can really Thank God for your day off!