Inaugural ‘Best of Brooklyn Food and Beer Festival’ Heads To Industry City
Because there's nothing like Brooklyn food and beer!

Because there's nothing like Brooklyn food and beer!
It’s not every day one can try the top Brooklyn restaurants and beers all in one place — this year is different.
On Saturday, January 28 the inaugural “Best of Brooklyn Food and Beer Festival” will debut at Industry City. This one-day festival brings together the top local cuisines, restaurants, and brews selected from a borough-wide “Best of Brooklyn” contest. The contest allowed the public to nominate and then vote for the best businesses in the borough in a wide range of categories and sub-categories. Over 48,000 Brooklynites voted for their favorites in categories like “Best Falafel,” “Best Irish Bar/Pub,” “Best Kids Menu” and “Best Coffee Shop for Getting Work Done.”
Not all winning participants are currently listed, but some prominent restaurants who you can expect a sample from include: Dinosaur BBQ, Doughnut Plant, Bogota Latin Bistro, and BeeHive Oven. Meanwhile, Brooklyn Brewery, Coney Island Brewing Company, and Greenpoint Beer & Ale Co. will be offering unlimited tastings on tap.
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The festival — sponsored by Dime, the Museum of Food and Drink (MOFAD), C’Mon Everybody, and other Brooklyn-based businesses  ̶ will be held from noon to 8 PM in two parts. This includes a ticketed after-party for guests, brewers, and chefs. Tickets are available for either of the two sessions; the first session is from 12:30 to 2:30 PM, while the second is from 3:30 to 5:30 PM.
Tickets range from $25 to $125 for entry and beer tastings. Food samples are an additional price (though each restaurant will serve their food for $8 and under) and can be made at point of purchase. Tickets can be purchased here. Additional winners of the Best of Brooklyn contest can be found at
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