Brooklyn Yemeni Bodega Strike Raises Over $80K For Muslim CUNY Program
They may have lost a day's worth of business, but they received so much greater.

They may have lost a day's worth of business, but they received so much greater.
Last week was a historic moment for Yemeni bodega owners in Brooklyn, having many of them close their shops to gather in prayer in front of Brooklyn Borough Hall in a stand against Donald Trump’s executive order barring immigration from Yemen and six other Muslim-dominant nations. As a result of the popularity and respect of their protest, the Bodega Strike community organizers raised over $8,000 through their GoFundMe campaign in which all monies will be donated to The City University of New York’s Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility (CUNY CLEAR) program.
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“After meeting with two attorneys who run CLEAR and seeing them in action tonight fielding questions and dispensing much-needed advice, as well as hearing from Yemenis they are working with right now, I’m persuaded this is the best way to directly support the Yemeni community in NYC,” Catherine Keys, the GoFundMe’s campaign organizer, voiced to the Patch.
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The CUNY CLEAR project primarily aims to address the unmet legal needs of Muslim, Arab, South Asian, and other communities in the New York City area that are particularly affected by national security and counter-terrorism policies and practices. The strike organizers are coordinating with CLEAR to ensure donations through there campaign are allocated towards supporting and benefitting the NYC Yemeni community specifically.
Trump’s order is currently blocked after Washington state federal court officials agreed the order would cause a severe decline in businesses and university students. According to ABC, Tuesday morning three federal judges met with the President to hear his arguments in the challenge to determine the fate of the country’s restraining order against immigrants.
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