The forth annual Brooklyn Pour festival is bringing a total of 39 breweries under one roof for one of the best beer tasting events of the year. Skylight One Hanson located on One Hanson Place will host Brooklyn Pour on September 27th.
A mix of  some spectacular local and international breweries have been confirmed to serve at the festival.
Beer will be provided from:
 508 Gastrobrewery
Ace Cider
Bayou Teche Brewing
Bear Republic Brewery
Braven Brewing Company
Bronx Brewery
Brooklyn Brewery
Brooklyn Brew Shop
Captain Lawrence Brewing Company
Dyckman Beer Co.
Founders Brewing Company
Gun Hill Brewing Company
Harlem Blue
Harlem Brewing Company
Harpoon Brewery
Keegan Ales
More Info on line levitra ED is common with the age, hence mostly suffered by old age men.
Narragansett Brewing Company
Paulaner Brewery
Queens Brewery
Radeberger Brewery
Rockaway Brewing Company
Shiner Beer
Steadfast Beer Co.
Alphabet City Brewing Company
Boulder Beer Company
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Empire Brewing Company
…amongst others and more to be announced.
Sounds like a pretty sober day. Sorta.
The event will take place from 3-6pm or if you purchase a VIP ticket you will be able to enjoy an hour more of intense beer chugging, if you’re into that kind of stuff.