One Comedian Is Spoofing Brooklynites On The L Train With Fake Book Covers
Comedian Scott Rogowsky riding the train with one of his many fake book covers. | Photo via YouTube

Do you hate riding the train, totally engulfed in a book, and the guy sitting right beside you, is enjoying it as well?

Comedian Scott Rogowsky has created a way to spoof L train passengers. Rogowsky, with cameras rolling and in plain view of subway riders, pretends to read books with hilarious (yet a bit scary) titles like Ass Eating Made Simple, How to Hold a Fart In, Slut-Shaming Your Baby, and 1000 Places To See Before You’re Executed By ISIS, and records riders reactions. Some riders found it completely funny while a few held concerned faces and of-course you have the one who had to take a picture to show his friends.

The video posted to YouTube has already garnered almost 900K views, 1.3 million views on Reddit and can be seen a million more times on various Instagrams and Twitter.

I made it for Playboy, and now it’s ready to be enjoyed by those 18 and over everywhere. Click To Tweet

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According to Running Late Show, Rogowsky writes “I made it for Playboy, and now it’s ready to be enjoyed by those 18 and over everywhere.”

The comedian, who has a show at Union Hall in Williamsburg on Monday April 11, will premiere the full length video.

In the mean time, watch the hilarious L train ride below: